In America we are told that we are a Republic. That we have a say in how our government is run and that congress is a smaller representation of the country. What they don't tell you is that without money, you lack influence. We don't have a government of the people. We have a government run by big business--The richest .1%. They own the Republicans, rent the Democrats, and sell out this country. They ship jobs overseas, then pay the journalists to call them Job Creators. They destroy the economy, convince congress to bail them out, then pay themselves big bonuses for their troubles.
Finally, people have had enough. For the past 23 days in New York, and the past Week here in Colorado, people have been fighting back. Thousands of American Patriots are standing up and telling Wall Street to go to hell. These people see through the political agendas and can see real solutions that can help America. What do they get for their troubles? Media blackouts and hundreds of non-violent protesters arrested, pepper sprayed, and flat out assaulted. To add insult to injury, the NYPD kettled and arrested over 700 peaceful protesters on the Brooklyn Bridge after receiving $4.6 million from JP Morgan. Big Business controls the judicial, legislative, and possibly the executive branch of the government. Some democracy this is... "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." John F. Kennedy.
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