Monday, November 7, 2011

Show Me What Democracy Looks Like

In class this week our topic is the future of Democracy. Unlike last week, I am not going to wait until after I have been met with opposition to state my view because I think it is very clear… Today’s America is still waiting to see what a democracy looks like.
When I talk about democracy, I always get the ‘know-it-all’ who says, “We’re not a democracy, we’re a republic” but cannot explain the difference; so I will. Our republican government is based on democratic values but put in place so common people do not have to be deeply involved in order to have a voice. They vote in representatives who are there to represent a group’s wants and needs.
Unfortunately, we have a republic, but one that represents their financial backers, not the people. But can American’s survive by revamping the system? When we look at OWS, we see that they believe in the process. They believe in democracy. Every Saturday they have a general assembly and vote on how they want to handle issues. They don’t have representatives. They don’t have a leader. Each one has a voice.
I think this is the vision of the future. I think we need to revolutionize our government and bring it up to the speed of today. Get rid of these out-of-touch politicians because we don’t need them. We can move to a system more fitting to today. We are still a busy bunch, so I am not suggesting the government has the people walk down to the polls every Saturday to vote on the issues. I’m suggesting that we move towards technology. We do everything over the internet weekly, monthly, or even bi-annually, and we get the money and corruption out of our politics and back into the people’s hands. Anyone can put a bill up to vote, it goes through a month of interpretation and scrutiny, and then to the people to vote.
Yes my plan is radical. Yes it may have flaws. But what we are doing now no longer cuts it. We are being controlled by a minority who does not have our interests at heart and it is evident that people have had enough. We want to be heard and this system keeps us silenced. We need a fundamental change. It is time to finally see what democracy looks like.

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