Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Prisons system: 'Creamed'

I've tried dazzling with emotion, so maybe getting straight to the point with some graphs and figures might help this week. Enjoy.
This country is home to just 5% of the world’s population, but holds 25% of the world’s prisoners. With these astounding numbers, there must be a logical explanation. And the explanation is—Money.
In the 1980s, there was a strong push to privatize everything, including prisons. I have a huge problem with people making money off other peoples’ misery, but with my personal bias aside, this is simply not good for Americans. The prison system is supposed to be a place where criminals learn to become better members of society; a place to rehabilitate. But being privatized, prisons want just the opposite. They make more money with the more prisoners they have, so it is against their best interest to rehabilitate these people. It’s bad for business. These businesses want a prison state society.
In 1971, Nixon declared his war on drugs. in 1984, the Sentencing Reform Act was passed. In 1986, Reagan passed the Anti-Drug Abuse Act. Arrests skyrocketed and parole went down. Nearly 6 in 10 people in prison are in prison for drug related incidences and have no history of violence. People like this don’t belong in jail. If they belong anywhere it would be in a hospital being treated, not punished.
This country has got its priorities backwards. We value money over human life and that is simply not the American way. America was once the place where people could have life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That is no longer the case. This countries motto has become what rappers call “CREAM” (Cash Rules Everything Around Me).  Eat up America.

Image from

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Declaration of War

In the Senate this week, what is known as the National Defense Authorization Act was passed. After going through the 925 page bill (along with the Patriot Act and our continuing censorship), I can now say with confidence, we are a fascist nation.

I have already spoken about my loss of confidence in our democracy, but this law is ridiculous. The law says that someone the government says is “a member of, or part of, al-Qaida or an associated force” can be held in military custody “without trial until the end of the hostilities authorized by the Authorization for Use of Military Force.”  It completely tosses the 6th amendment out the window and tears apart the 14th amendment where we are promised due process and equal protection under the law.

I haven’t even mentioned the worst part. With the addition of Amendment 1068 of the NDA Act, Obama’s executive order banning torture will be removed. So not only will any suspected “terrorist” be taken into custody without a trial, they can be tortured. No one can say it better than Shepard Smith, “I don’t give a rats ass if it helps, this is America, we do not f&*%ing torture!”

The way this country is going is truly sickening. I cannot stand it any longer. It angers me so much that it has become difficult to even articulate the facts. I want to just say “F&*%” and have everyone be informed enough to know how I feel. But that’s the problem isn’t it. We have become so comfortable in our existence that we are letting our freedoms be taken one by one. This is no longer the land of the free and the home of the brave. We have become the land of the bullies and home to the slaves. We need to wake up. Open your eyes and see what is happening. War has been declared upon us and, sadly, we are losing.


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Live or Die?

Occupy is a movement that I think everyone has heard of by now. But it is losing support across the US. People are not satisfied with where this movement is headed. So will it be strong like “The Civil Rights Movement” or will it crash and burn like “The Tea Party?” Obviously, only time will tell.
I think that this movement has the ability to be the movement of our time; The movement that creates real change. People are angry and for the first time in my life, they are trying to do something about it. The people of the movement continue to say there is not a leader and it is not political, but damn it, why the hell not? I think the time has come for some leaders to emerge. We need some people who can articulate what we want and can be spokesmen to the rest of the country on how we plan to get it. Each city that is occupying is meeting every weekend for a general assembly. But what is so wrong with having that every Saturday, then having the spokesmen from each of the cities meet or speak on the phone on Sunday and figure out what they want to do.
 I think we need to get people on the inside of congress to get real change as well as continue the fight from the streets. We don’t have the leaders in congress who listen to us; they only listen to their wallet. As much as we may want to avoid playing their game, we may have to. People don’t listen to a guy who sleeps in a tent, they listen to the figure on TV. We need some people who stand with us to get in there and fight. Because if that doesn’t happen, I believe this movement will die. Without fighting the political battle, all we will accomplish is breaking into smaller fundraising and activist groups and fight the small battles. We need to act now. We need people on the ballot for 2012 that are sick of the status quo. We need people who think like we do. People who are the 99% and fight for the 99%. It is time to fight the big battle. The war was waged on us, and it’s time for us to win!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What Would Jesus Do?

This blog is not going to be very smooth because I have so much to say on the topic that I tried to shorten it so people will actually read it. So here we go…

I have made this clear in every blog I have posted-- I am a liberal. Being a liberal, I am pro-choice, for immigrant rights, against war, for equal rights for everyone regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, etc. But being an open-minded person, I can understand why people are against abortion, are for wars, etc. But I cannot understand why anyone fights so strongly against homosexuals having the same rights as everyone else.

The only argument I ever hear is that it is a sin. It is called an “abomination” in Leviticus and is preached against by Christians on a daily basis. But do these people really understand the history of the bible?

Let us start with the word abomination. Today’s definition of abomination is “a vile, shameful, or detestable action, condition, habit, etc.” But the original meaning of the translated word was not used to show such hatred as today’s word. The original word would translate into something closer to the word taboo, rather than abomination. But I know that this will not be close to convincing.

So let’s look deeper into the history of Christianity and the history of the world. Before the 11th century, gay people were married and no one thought it odd. In fact, in the 3rd century, there are two saints that were married-- Saints Sergius and Bacchus. Sergius and Bacchus were soldiers who were commemorated as martyrs by the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and the Oriental Orthodox churches.

The other argument I hear is, “it’s a choice, not genetic.” But I assure you, no one would choose to be ostracized like that. But what do I know right? I’m not an expert. So let’s look at what the experts have to say shall we?  According to

In the March 2004, Health and Medicine Week, research findings from the study of homosexuality in rams was published. Scientists at Oregon Health and Science University School of Medicine had looked at the biological foundations of a male sheep's homosexuality.They used the animals since they had been consistently and thoroughly studied in the past, and provided for a controllable experiment. They studied the oSDN, "an irregularly shaped, densely packed cluster of nerve cells in the hypothalamus of the sheep brain." The hypothalamus is an important part of the brain that regulates body temperature, blood pressure, as well as sexual behavior. Researchers found that the ovine sexually dimorphic nucleus (oSDN) was larger and contained more neurons in male- oriented rams (1). This information is important in several different ways. While it is solely a study on ram behavior, it is believed that homosexuality can be found in many different species, not limited to humans. This is also important because it is the first study to show a relationship between variations in sexual partner preference and brain structure in an animal, which could provide insight into how humans are studied and what should be looked for in humans to unlock the clues of biological causes of homosexuality.

While the rams are an interesting case study, there are also research findings directly relating to humans. The prenatal hormone theory is a provocative explanation of the link between biology and homosexual tendencies. It is based on the idea that hormones can affect a fetus in the womb and can influence brain development. Studies on the neuroendocrine function in homosexuality has shown that while levels of testosterone and estrogen do not typically vary along the lines of homo and heterosexuality, it is one's response mechanisms to these hormones that can play a role in sexual orientation. It is far too basic to attribute homosexuality with a lack of testosterone in males and a lack of estrogen in women, and many studies have negated this idea. However, the central nervous system, which mediates behavior and physiological responses, can be heavily affected by the level of hormones present (2).

It is also believed that birth order has a direct relation to whether or not one is gay. It is possible that a woman's fetus builds up certain antibodies in her first pregnancy, if it is with a male, to male antibodies, and these affect the development of male fetuses in subsequent pregnancies (4). For each older brother, humans are believed to be approximately 33% more likely to be homosexual. In other studies, it has been found that homosexuals are 39% more likely to be left- handed than heterosexuals (3).

I do not expect to be believed. Don’t believe me. But have the courage to look outside what you were told your whole life and research it for yourself. The evidence is there. If you can’t do it for yourself, do it for your religion; because Christianity will not survive if it continues the hatred. Let’s end the bigotry and return the Christian message back to love and tolerance. What would Jesus do?

Monday, November 7, 2011

Show Me What Democracy Looks Like

In class this week our topic is the future of Democracy. Unlike last week, I am not going to wait until after I have been met with opposition to state my view because I think it is very clear… Today’s America is still waiting to see what a democracy looks like.
When I talk about democracy, I always get the ‘know-it-all’ who says, “We’re not a democracy, we’re a republic” but cannot explain the difference; so I will. Our republican government is based on democratic values but put in place so common people do not have to be deeply involved in order to have a voice. They vote in representatives who are there to represent a group’s wants and needs.
Unfortunately, we have a republic, but one that represents their financial backers, not the people. But can American’s survive by revamping the system? When we look at OWS, we see that they believe in the process. They believe in democracy. Every Saturday they have a general assembly and vote on how they want to handle issues. They don’t have representatives. They don’t have a leader. Each one has a voice.
I think this is the vision of the future. I think we need to revolutionize our government and bring it up to the speed of today. Get rid of these out-of-touch politicians because we don’t need them. We can move to a system more fitting to today. We are still a busy bunch, so I am not suggesting the government has the people walk down to the polls every Saturday to vote on the issues. I’m suggesting that we move towards technology. We do everything over the internet weekly, monthly, or even bi-annually, and we get the money and corruption out of our politics and back into the people’s hands. Anyone can put a bill up to vote, it goes through a month of interpretation and scrutiny, and then to the people to vote.
Yes my plan is radical. Yes it may have flaws. But what we are doing now no longer cuts it. We are being controlled by a minority who does not have our interests at heart and it is evident that people have had enough. We want to be heard and this system keeps us silenced. We need a fundamental change. It is time to finally see what democracy looks like.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Remember, Remember...

Just wanted to make a quick point about one of my favorite movies V for Vendetta. It has become one of the symbols for the OWS movement. V is the symbol for what may become of things if peaceful change is made impossible.

OWS is peaceful, and should remain so. But if congress does not get behind it, who knows what may come.

"Die! Die! Why won't you die?... Why won't you die?"
"Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof"


V for Vendetta (2006)

The Bully or the Hero?

In class this week we have been discussing America's domestic and foreign policy. We have discussed what our policy is, what we think it should be and how domestic and foreign policy should align.

This got me thinking about what we value as a country. Are we a just country that sets up its policy for the greater good, or are we a selfish, unjust country that sets up its policy for our greater good? I tend to lean towards believing that we are a selfish country that looks out for number one.

We claim, as a nation, that we want everyone in the world to be free and have equal rights. But domestically, homosexual people and transgender people still lack the same rights as everyone else, women are still making far less money than men, and minority groups are still being looked at as second class citizens. Abroad, we claim to stand for women’s rights, but when a country like Saudi Arabia treats women poorly, we turn a blind eye. Why is that? Because they have something we want— Oil. And as long as they hold that power over us, we will not step in and do anything.

We are a nation full on injustice and we call other nations terrorists while we spread the most terror. A fellow classmate of mine said, “There's collateral damage in any war. With the countries in the Middle East, it's true that you have only a small population of fanatics that pose danger to our country. And sometimes bystanders get killed when our forces go after them. Notice I did not say innocents though. I said bystanders. Remember when 9/11 happened and Al Jazeer showed the parties in the streets of Afghanastan and Pakistan? The majority of the population allows for terrorists to stand in their midst and do little to stop them....” I argue that we are just bystanders as well, and watch our leaders spread terror around the world for oil, power, and money screaming that it’s patriotic. I do not stand as that type of an American. I no longer want to tolerate the blood spilled in my name. I no longer want to listen to the propaganda spread throughout our country. I’m tired of being the bully. We must be better. We need to become the hero we claim to be.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Unplanned Parenthood: The Hidden Costs

This month a bill is being voted on that will completely defund Planned Parenthood. The pro-lifers will be cheering in self-righteousness if this passes. But before we get all high and mighty over what we are about to do, let’s look at the facts.
According to Planned Parenthood’s website:
·         Only 3% of all Planned Parenthood services are abortion services.
·         One in five women in the United States has visited a Planned Parenthood in their lifetime.
·         79% of Planned Parenthood clients are over the age of 20.
·         Planned Parenthood provides nearly 1,000,000 Pap tests and more than 830,000 breast exams each year, tests that are crucial towards preventing cancer.
·         Planned Parenthood provides almost 4,000,000 tests and treatments for STD’s and STI’s, including HIV.
The extremists want you to believe that abortions are the only thing Planned Parenthood provides. In fact, Senator Jon Kyl blatantly lied, saying, abortion services “are well over 90% of what Planned Parenthood does.”
Let’s think logically for a moment and give emotional thinking a rest. Funding Planned Parenthood saves us greatly in the long. Planned Parenthood educates our youth into making smart decisions with their bodies and teaches them to be safe; because, let’s be honest, the average age for sex is 15 years old. It is smarter to teach them to be safe instead of deluding ourselves into thinking our children will be virgins forever. At least this way, we can prevent unwanted pregnancies before the option even turns to abortion. This is morally and logically the right way to handle it.
Economically, it saves us as well. By preventing unwanted pregnancy, even in cases of abortion, we prevent the burden being placed on the taxpayer. Because when a poor person has a child they either give it up for adoption, forcing us to pay for it, or they keep it and live off of government assistance, again placing the cost burden on the taxpayer. The smart decision is to pay a little upfront, preventing a lot having more to be spent in the future.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Preventing Martydom

It seems that there may be some light at the end of the tunnel after all. After being on death row for almost 30 years for a crime he did not commit, Mumia Abu-Jamal has been taken off death row. It's not all good news however, because Mumia is still set to serve a life sentence.

Brief background:
In 1981, Philadelphia Police officer, Daniel Faulkner, was shot and killed and Mumia was shot as well. The evidence against Mumia was four eye witnesses: a cab driver, a prostitute, a motorist, and a pedestrian. The motorist only saw a man who matched Mumia’s description and the pedestrian never actually saw the murder. The other two witnesses (the prostitute and the cab driver) were never at the scene. From photos of the scene, the cab driver’s cab was not parked where he said it was. The other witnesses said they never saw the prostitute at all… And this is what put Mumia behind bars.

Today, Mumia’s death sentence has been removed. The DA has 180 days to retry the case to reinstate the death sentence, but we all know that is not going to happen. No one is that dumb. If they retried the case, the death penalty would not be reinstated. Instead, Mumia would be set free. Faulkner’s widow does not want to risk that, Seth Williams does not want to risk that, and the racist people who framed Mumia do not want to risk that.
The powers that be are in their ideal position. Mumia is still behind bars, but alive, saving them from turning him into a martyr. They think this will be enough, and probably is for many protestors. But we must not be stagnant. We must not be satisfied. We must push, claw, scratch, and bite until Mumia Abu-Jamal is finally set free.


Sunday, October 9, 2011

Working Class Hero

Today is a celebration day for us hippies; A holiday in a sense. Today is John Lennon's 71st birthday. But it is a bitter-sweet day because, as we all know, John was gunned down 31 years ago and silenced forever. John was a voice for the people who just wanted peace. He was a voice to end war and hatred and a voice to spread love. He was an inspiration.

I think John’s vision is still alive. With people protesting in cities around the country, speaking against greed, exploitation, and war, we are reminded of the dream. I know that if John was here, he would be with the people. He would be writing songs and standing up for the 99 percent—The Working Class Heroes. I think his song speaks numbers for what we are seeing here today.

Working Class Hero by John Lennon

As soon as your born they make you feel small,
By giving you no time instead of it all,
Till the pain is so big you feel nothing at all,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.
They hurt you at home and they hit you at school,
They hate you if you're clever and they despise a fool,
Till you're so fucking crazy you can't follow their rules,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.
When they've tortured and scared you for twenty odd years,
Then they expect you to pick a career,
When you can't really function you're so full of fear,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.
Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV,
And you think you're so clever and classless and free,
But you're still fucking peasants as far as I can see,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.
There's room at the top they are telling you still,
But first you must learn how to smile as you kill,
If you want to be like the folks on the hill,
A working class hero is something to be.
A working class hero is something to be.
If you want to be a hero well just follow me,
If you want to be a hero well just follow me.

Lyrics were used from:


Friday, October 7, 2011

The Oligarchy We Call America

In America we are told that we are a Republic. That we have a say in how our government is run and that congress is a smaller representation of the country. What they don't tell you is that without money, you lack influence. We don't have a government of the people. We have a government run by big business--The richest .1%. They own the Republicans, rent the Democrats, and sell out this country. They ship jobs overseas, then pay the journalists to call them Job Creators. They destroy the economy, convince congress to bail them out, then pay themselves big bonuses for their troubles.

Finally, people have had enough. For the past 23 days in New York, and the past Week here in Colorado, people have been fighting back. Thousands of American Patriots are standing up and telling Wall Street to go to hell. These people see through the political agendas and can see real solutions that can help America. What do they get for their troubles? Media blackouts and hundreds of non-violent protesters arrested, pepper sprayed, and flat out assaulted. To add insult to injury, the NYPD kettled and arrested over 700 peaceful protesters on the Brooklyn Bridge after receiving $4.6 million from JP Morgan. Big Business controls the judicial, legislative, and possibly the executive branch of the government. Some democracy this is...  "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." John F. Kennedy.

The Lust for Blood

I realize I am way behind on this topic but today is my first day of blogging and I really need to comment on this topic.

On September 21, 2011 At 9:08 pm an innocent man named Troy Davis was executed. The reason I say innocent is because according to the US judicial system, he should have been set free. The Evidence on behalf of Troy Davis was astounding. In this case, the only evidence against him was nine eyewitness statements. Of those nine, seven recanted their story, saying the police hand fed them their statements.

Now to get to my point. Even if Troy Davis was guilty, the death penalty is not the correct punishment. We are the United States. We are supposed to be the greatest nation on earth; The leader. The Declaration of Independence promises the right to life and I don't think that there is ever a time to kill someone. We are better than that. We are supposed to look beyond the victims feelings and see what is right. Carlos DeLuna, Ruben Cantu, Larry Griffin, Joseph O'Dell, Leo Jones, and countless others have been put to death and later found innocent. If just one innocent person is killed, the death penalty should be abolished. When will we end our lust for blood?