Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The 'Honey Boo Boo' Nation

As this year’s presidential debates kick off tonight, I am compelled to point out the fact that it is one big light show. We have the ridiculously extreme right of the Republican Party facing off against the right-leaning, moderate Democrat Party. The Libertarian Party candidate, Gary Johnson, The Justice Party Candidate, Rocky Anderson, The Green Party Candidate, Jill Stein, and the Constitutional Party Candidate, Virgil Goode, are all blacklisted. We have 50 contestants for Miss America, 100 flavors of chips, a dozen fast-food restaurants, but for the most important role in America, we have a choice from two.
They call this ‘Freedom.’ They call this ‘Choice.’ But what we all neglect to see is that we have the illusion of choice and the illusion of freedom. We don’t have either of these things. In our Oligarchical system we call Democracy-- where the rich “Job Creators” can flood both parties with billions of dollars-- they are the ones who call the shots. We are a screwed country until some drastic fundamental changes happen in our government:

1.      Overturn Citizens United and get money out of politics.

2.      Remove the filibuster. It is a political coup and only makes the parties more dogmatic.

3.      Remove the Electoral College. It is outdated and makes citizens have their votes count unequally and can mathematically allow a presidential candidate become president with as little as 22% of the popular vote.

4.      Get rid of the two-party system. Open up the debates to anyone running and allow all people onto the ballots in all 50 states and remove the party title next to candidates’ names. Force voters to become educated on the candidates.

Until these changes take effect, our political system will continue to be an Oligarchy that the masses call Democracy. It seems like common sense to most of the people I talk to but as Voltaire said, “Common sense is not so common.”

But yet again, I don’t expect anything to change. With the masses being so uninformed, uneducated, and overall, apathetic to anything that really matters, we’ll continue to be this shitty, lazy, “Greatest Country on Earth.” Do us all a favor, turn off Honey Boo Boo, Fox News, Jersey Shore, and House Hunters and read for a change. You might learn something.

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