Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Perpetuating Cycle

Second presidential debate is now over and I have spent the last 3 hours inflamed while debating people on Facebook. And the funny thing is, it is the same debate I have every time. It is a debate against the Republicans and not for the Democrats. I have just been proving what most have already known. We do not have an election to vote for the best and brightest, we have an election to vote the lesser of two evils.

The election process is no longer an expression of why you are a good candidate. It is an expression of why you suck less than the other guy. It is downright sickening. What’s worse, is that we have such an idiotic populous that we don’t even see it. The people outside of Washington see this as a fight between left and right; conservative and liberal; Black and White. Well, ok, it is a fight between Black and White, but it’s a fight that no one wins except the rich who invest in both candidates. It is a fight between a right-wing conservative, Romney, and a right-leaning moderate, Obama. If you are a liberal, you have no dog in this fight. If you are an old-school, fiscal-conservative, you have no dog in this fight. This fight really comes down to, who can win over the “uninformed voter,” or as I like to call them, the idiots.

I am losing faith. I am becoming unhopeful, bitter, and I am downright ANGRY. We have a populous who will sit outside for days to get a phone that is exactly like the one they already have, but who won’t take twenty minutes to read what is going on and become informed. We have a populous that is anti-union (the people who brought us minimum wage, the 40 hour work week, weekends, child labor laws, etc.), but are all about unions when it comes to their football.

I have spent so much time complaining about the Electoral College and all the money involved in politics being the reason why third parties can’t win and why our vote is for “the lesser of two evils.” This is a very serious problem, yes. But I am realizing that it doesn’t even scratch the surface of our problems. We have a perpetuating cycle of stupidity in this country. Poor education puts out stupid people; stupid people have stupid kids; stupid kids grow up to be stupid adults; stupid adults don’t read; people who don’t read are not informed; uninformed people are apathetic; apathetic people are uninformed voters; uninformed voters vote like idiots. What more can I say? Stupidity is contagious.

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